In 1983 while worshiping in her home in Legana, Merrilyn Billing became aware of the Lord’s presence and He shared with her that “His heart was truly grieved because SO FEW truly worshiped Him.”
A few years later while working with an International Worship Ministry in Brisbane a picture began to formulate for a 50 acre ministry centre that she had received through a vision. This directly corresponded with the same vision that her children Carolyn and Chris had also received.
In 1995 the Billing family moved from Brisbane back to Tasmania and in 1996 The Vine Christian Church commenced in Launceston at the City Mission Chapel with a vision and a passion to see a powerful worshiping church established in the city.
After quickly outgrowing the City Mission Chapel the Church then moved to Newstead College in Cypress Street. After two years at the college, Pastor Merrilyn felt the Lord tell her that she needed to extend the borders of her land. This began a search for a property that would seat 1000 people. In 2001 the Church made an offer for 8 acres of land and the gymnasium at the now closed Ravenswood High School. This door of opportunity closed as the government tried unsuccessfully to promote the whole property as a business centre.
The entire property was eventually placed on the market and following the Lord’s leading an offer was made for the whole property which included the 150 room high school, gymnasium and 50 acres of land. Pastor Merrilyn received a call to say that the offer was successful and the property would be sold to the Church. The favour of the Lord continued as the government agreed to spend money on repairs due to the vandalism that had occurred since the school closure. Finally in 2002 The Vine Christian Church commenced services at Ravenswood at a property that they had named Zions Hill.
The name of the Church was changed to Zions Hill Church in 2006 and since this time there have been many Powerful Conferences and Events, including the well known Prophetic Worship Event each December. .
From August 2019, Zions Hill Church has begun to shift under the covering of the newly established Zions Hill Apostolic Centre, as one of its ministry branches. We are expecting to see the fulfilment of many of heavens promises as we step into this new season.
Plans for the future include a four level Events and Creative Arts Centre with space for 24/7 prayer and worship overlooking the city, a recording studio, the establishment of kingdom businesses including a worship school and various levels of accommodation.
The work at Zions Hill to date has highlighted the magnificent provision of God and the whole story has been a miraculous testimony. What is even more incredible is that the journey has only just begun.
Zions Hill is a Pentecostal Church affiliated with Australian Christian Churches
, formally called Assemblies of God.